Ornithology Group (OG)
OG | Meeting | Field Trip | Spoonbill | Dues | Birding Events | ONC
The Ornithology Group (OG) comprises Outdoor Nature Club (ONC) members interested in birds. Some members focus on bird identification and listing, some enjoy bird behavior and habitat, and some enjoy watching birds. The OG is organized to accommodate all of these diverse birding interests. Members also benefit from the synergism of getting together to share knowledge and interests during the club's activities. OG activities make learning about birds fun!
The Ornithology Group meets the first monday of the month (August through May). There is usually a Learning Corner at 6:30 PM, a short business meeting at 7:00 pm and a Program immediately after the business meeting.
Click on the menu for details about the next meeting and field trip(s), Spoonbill issues (newsletter of OG), dues, local birding events, and information about the Outdoor Nature Club.
OG Officers:
Chair: Nina Rach | 281-433-0651 | Nina.Rach@yahoo.com
Vice Chair (Programs): Open Position
Secretary: Jean Greenhalgh | JeanBrit01@yahoo.com
Treasurer: Open Position
Membership: Michael Honel | 713-432-1985 | michaelhonel@sbcglobal.net
Field Trips: Open Position
Spoonbill Editor: Open Position
Webmaster: Larry Dybala | 832-651-3241 | larrydybala@gmail.com
Clearing House: David Sarkozi | 713-412-4409 | david@sarkozi.net
Swifts: Pam Smolen | pjsmolen@att.net
OG website: http://www.ornithologygroup.com/
ONC website: http://www.outdoornatureclub.org/
Corrections and articles for the Spoonbill should be sent to larrydybala@gmail.com
Updated: 9/15/2022