Ornithology Group (OG)

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Outdoor Nature Club (ONC)

ONC General Annual meeting will be held on Thursday, July 14, in-person at Bayland Community Center at 12 noon-2:00pm.

Outdoor Nature Club (ONC) is a nonprofit educational and scientific organization founded in 1923 to protect and conserve our natural resources by fostering an interest in the study of nature.

ONC owns a nature preserve, Little Thicket Nature Sanctuary (LTNS), comprising 700 acres of wilderness on the edge of the Big Thicket, approximately 65 miles northeast of downtown Houston. Flowing creeks and hiking trails traverse quiet forests of towering pines and hardwoods, including magnolia, holly, beech, ash, and dogwood.

The two special interest groups in the ONC are the Ornithology Group (birding) and Botany-Entomology Group (native plant and insect study).

Updated: 5/3/2017